Design of Primary User Flow
![primary flow screens](img/otto/pf_1.png)
Connecting bank is a part of the app onboarding, and offering a help overlay menu helps to build trust.
![primary flow screens](img/otto/pf_2.png)
The goal creation screen is simple and consistent in style. The category dropdown accesses a variety of descriptions and icons.
![primary flow screens](img/otto/pf_3.png)
The goal is added to the home screen with animation to draw attention to the change of state. Traffic-light color-coded completion bars indicate whether you are on track.
![primary flow screens](img/otto/pf_4.png)
The Bank confirmation screen emphasizes security and offers access to the homepage if a user wants to look around before committing to a goal.
![primary flow screens](img/otto/pf_5.png)
The plan summary allows users to understand what they are committing to. The app guarantees this is a safe amount based on bank records of income and spending.