Additional Work Highlights

Design Scrapbook

This is an area for quick highlights from designs I have worked on that don't have a full case study on my website. This includes a combination of archived and brand new projects.

You can view more detailed case studies in the "my work" section of this website.  

banking app desktop image
journalism website desktop homepage image
video showing custom animation on webpage
low fidelity sketches of app
Liberties journal website design
Video showing transitions in the PickPath mobile app
Images of pickpath mobile app
image of otto banking app on mobile
User flow diagram image
banking app mobile images
Otto banking app marketing website on desktop
video showing log in animation on wine match app
wine match mobile app
Wine finder application on mobile
campground search app mobile images
wild camp desktop application
brand guidelines document
paper sketches of logos

Interested in working together?

Have a project I can help with? Have a question about something on my website? Reach out using the form below, or send me an email.

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